Once again, I have been tempted by the gods to do NaNoWriMo. I totally blame Rilana for starting this way back on '02! She convinced me to attempt it and I've not been able to NOT participate. Once I knitted a sweater during it! I'm such a glutton for punishment, I swear.
Thing is...I had an entire story pop into my mind in about ten minutes yesterday! The characters are ready to go...a somewhat story line is done. Yeah..took all of two hours? I'm taking that as a sign. I only decided to do this yesterday. Like I said, glutton for punishment.
Had a busy weekend. Family dinner, massive train ride to play Ingress, shopping, cleaning, rearranging, I made a king size comforter. Yeah..it was eventful. The comforter? Well, let's say I'm probably the world's most frugal person as of late. A good all season king-size comforter goes for 120 and above. However, Ikea had comforters on sale last month. The king-size, was the 120.00. Usually a king size comforter really isn't a king size. It usually barely covers the top of the mattress. I hate that. I'm a snuggler, I ball the damned thing up at night around me.
My answer? Make my own. I bought two twin size comforters, sat my butt on the floor and hand stitched them together lengthwise. For all of 29.99! Let me tell you, that's A LOT of comforter! It's HUGE! *grins* It does cover the bed, as in it hands half way to the floor on the sides and plenty to tuck in at the bottom. It's huge, fluffy and my bed is now like being inside a cloud. I'm seriously considering moving into it till like May or something?
All that's left is the cover for it and pillow shams for the pillows.
I love winter, pure and simple. It's the most wonderful time of year. Not hot, not overly blindingly sunny, tons of nice dark. *sighs* It's just perfect! I'll even not bitch about no snow. Just give me some cold and dark and I'm a happy camper. I still say I need to move into an igloo..although they are pretty bright if caught out in sunshine. Like living inside a skylight! Ugh!
Another great thing from recently-Google Play Music. I love it! I've discovered so much new music on it, it's obscene! It's quickly becoming the soundtrack to my life! Love Love Love it!
Drats, forgot to put the chicken into marinade. Crap..off to do that.
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