Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Second Day of April

Today is day eight of being incapacitated. Blah. Exactly eight days ago, I decided to descend my stairway by rolling down it and landing on my right arm. I managed to give myself a spiral fracture in the radial head of my elbow. This means no cast, just a sling to keep the arm still. Along with the fracture, I managed to pull all the muscles in the various parts of my right arm and hand. Its taken me these eight days to even be able to type!

I actually learned to knit continental (where you hold the yarn in your left hand and most of the work is done with your left) because I was going nuts! I am not one that can just sit and watch tv. I usually watch tv and knit. In fact, I think the only reason I watch tv is so that I knit. Somehow, the two are firmly entrenched with each other. I've not managed to use my laptop yet, the angle is odd on my arm. At the moment. I'm using the keyboard that goes with my iPad. It balances on my lap perfectly so that I don't have to angle my arm. *sighs* It's better than nothing.

So for a week there has been limited knitted, alot of reading and tv watching, no cleaning, no cooking, no computer (although I thank the Goddess above for my iPad and iPhone) and no outside. I did venture out on Saturday and went to Ikea, Costco and Target. By the time I got home I was exhausted and fell asleep sitting in a chair watching tv. Last night I cooked dinner and today I can feel it. My arm is killing me.

Yes, I know. I'm supposed to have laid off the arm for three to six weeks. Pish, like that was going to happen? *snickers* It took me a day to knit with my left hand. I have no patience with being down for the count. It sucks.

New classes started yesterday. This semester is heavy on journalism, writing and getting thoughts onto paper. They are the classes you have to take in order to graduate. They have nothing to do with graphics design, nothing to do with the direction I'm headed. That aside, I think I will enjoy them, though. I love writing and putting thoughts down into words.

Now, I'm off to see what I can scrounge for lunch. Always an adventure with one hand.

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